Xiaoli LING

Department of Psychology, Shandong Normal University

No. 88, East Wenhua Rd., Jinan, China, 250014

Tel: +86 531 8961 1134, Email: xl_ling87@163.com


Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, 2016, East China Normal University

M.A., Experimental Psychology, 2012, East China Normal University

B.A., Applied Psychology, 2008, Liaocheng University


1.         Xiaoli Ling, Fengying Li, Fuqiang Qiao, Xiuyan Guo*, Zoltan Dienes. (2016). Fluency expresses implicit knowledge of tonal symmetry. Frontiers in psychology, 7: 57.SSCI

2.         Xiaoli Ling, Xiuyan Guo*, Li Zheng, Lin Li., et al. (2015). The neural basis of implicit learning of task-irrelevant Chinese tonal sequence. Experimental Brain Research, 233(4):1125–1136. (SCI)

3.         Li Zheng, Qianfeng Wang, Xuemei Cheng, Lin Li, Guang Yang, Lining Sun, Xiaoli Ling, Xiuyan Guo. (2016). Perceived reputation of others modulates empathic neural responses. Experimental Brain Research, 234:125-132. (SCI)

4.         郭秀艳,姜珊,凌晓丽,朱磊,唐菁华. (2011). 直觉对内隐学习优势效应的特异性贡献.心理学报, 43(9), 977-982.(CSSCI)


2015 April 23-25    2015 Meeting of the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society.

USA, Boston   

Poster: The neural basis of dishonest decisions in gain and loss contexts.

2014 July 16-19

The 18th annual meeting of The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Brisbane, Australia


Poster: The Neural Dissociation of Rule-Based and similarity-Based Processing in Implicit Learning.

2012 Dec. 1-2      第十五届全国心理学学术会议. 广州,中国



-     The distinction between conscious and unconscious mental states, particularly knowledge;

-     The neural basis of the implicit learning;

-     Social cognition.