1. 基本信息 (*)
She Ruiqin , associate professor,  Email: nanfangyu1963@126.com,  Tel: 15153153278, 
Add:Room 502, unit2, the 21st Buildingv of the NO. 4 Domitory of Shandong normal university, No.76 East Wenhua Road, Ji'nan, Shandong Province, P.R.China.
2教育背景Education (*)
3.工作经历 Professional and Academic Positions 
   College of psychology , Shandong normal university. Associate professor
2. 研究方向 (*)
1、education and consultation of mental health  2 、mental health education and consultation  
3. 承担项目 Grants(*)

4. 获奖情况  Awards and Honors
Won the second prize for excellent teaching achievement offered by Shandong Provincial Government in 2002 and  the excellent teaching award offered by Shandong normal university.
5. 发表文章 Publications(*)
(1)Youth’s Internet addiction(网络成瘾)/ Youth's net-reliance(网络依赖) and its characteristics:Journal of Shandong women's college ,2006.

(2)The Development of Computer-based Case Simulations for Psychological Counseling.  Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,2011, Volume3, Number7,pp.357-363
6. 出版专著

《心理咨询与治疗》 :《psychological consultation and treatment》或者 《psychotherapy and counseling》
《创伤心理学》《Trauma psychology》
《青少年心理健康教育》《Youth mental health education 》
9.学术会员 Memberships

10.杂志编委,审稿人等 Journal reviewer (editor)