Yanju Ren

School of Psychology

Tel: +86 531 8961 1133 (Office)

Shandong Normal University

Fax: +86 531 8961 1012

Psychological Building 2-410

E-mail: renyanju(AT)gmail.com


No. 88, East Wenhua Rd., Lixia District, Jinan, Shandong 250014, P. R. China

No. 1, Univeristy Rd., University Science and Technology Park, Changqing District, Jinan, Shandong 250358, P. R. China


2004/09-2007/07, Ph.D., Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2001/09-2004/03, Master of Pedagogy, Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University

1997/09-2001/07, Bechelor of Pedagogy, School of Education Science, Shandong Normal University


Projects for Scientific Research

“Scene Gist Hierarchical Processing”, “Experience-Based Visual Attentional Control”.

“Working Memory Load and Object Search in Real World Scenes”, Key Laboratory for Human Cognition and Learning.

“Roles of Perceptual Processing in Contextual Cueing Effect”, Project of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities of Shandong Province

Projects for Teaching Research

Teaching Mode Reform and Practice for Psychological Curriculum, Shandong Normal University


Currently, his research interests are experimental investigations on visual attention control, scene perception (especially in recognition, categorization and search), and medical image perception.


Journal Articles (From 2013 to the present, student authors are underlined and corresponding author is asterisked)

Sun, Q., Ren, Y*., Zheng, Y., Sun, M., & Zheng, Y. (2016). Superordinate level processing has priority over basic-level processing in scene gist recognition. i-Perception, DOI:10.1177/2041669516681307

Wang, B., & Ren, Y*. (2016). Effect of post-encoding emotional arousal on recollection and familiarity for pictures. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, DOI:10.1080/17470218.2016.1178311 (2016.5.4 online)

Sun, Y., Hu, Z., & Ren, Y*. (2016). Attentional boost effect dependent on item-background centroid distance. Journal of Psychological Science, 39(4), 807–813. DOI:10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20160407 (In Chinese)

Sun, Q., Ren, Y*., Zheng, Y., & Sun, M. (2016). Effects of spatial working memory load on the contextual cueing in real world scene search. Journal of Psychological Science, 39(3), 534–540. DOI:10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20160304 (In Chinese)

Sun, Q., Ren, Y., & Fu, G*. (2015). Effects of visuospatial working memory load on scene gist processing. Journal of Psychological Science, 38(6), 1311–1318. DOI:10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20150605 (In Chinese)

Sun, Q., & Ren, Y*. (2015). Effects of spatial working memory load on real world scene search performance: An eye movement study. Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 21(1). 49–59. (In Chinese)

Ren, Y*., & Sun, Q. (2014). Effects of visuospatial working memory load on the real-world scene search performance. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 46(11), 1613–1627. (In Chinese) DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.01613

Sun, Q., & Ren, Y*. (2014). Interaction between scene context and target template in visual search. Journal of Psychological Science, 37(2)265–271. (In Chinese) DOI:10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.2014.02.004

Wang, N., & Ren, Y*. (2014). Oculomotor inhibition of return in real world scene search. Advances in Psychological Science, 22(4), 640–649. (In Chinese) DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00640

Zhao, F., & Ren, Y*. (2013). Spatial contextual cueing effect and its mechanisms. Advances in Psychological Science, 21(7), 1173–1185. (In Chinese) DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.01173.

Ren, Y., Xuan, Y., & Fu, X. (2013). Information distribution modulates integration strategies: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Psychological Science, 36(1), 2–6. (In Chinese) DOI:10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.2013.01.015

Conference Abstracts (From 2013 to the present, student authors are underlined and corresponding author is asterisked)

王雪艳, 任衍具*. (2015.10.15). 奖赏联结与工作记忆在视觉注意引导中的作用. 中国心理学会第十八届学术大会会议论文集. (摘要, 口头报告). 中国天津.

任衍具*, 孙琪, 郑杨, 孙明霞. (2015.05.07-9). 场景主旨的层级加工: 来自心理物理学和ERPs的证据. 中国心理学会普通心理与实验心理分会年会. 江苏苏州.

胡瑞晨, 任衍具*, 孙玉荣. (2014.10.10). 不同反应类型对注意促进效应的影响: 目标检测的作用. 中国心理学会第十七届学术大会会议论文集. (摘要, 口头报告). 中国北京.

王娜, 任衍具*. (2014.10.10). 真实场景搜索中的眼动返回抑制: 语义信息的作用. 中国心理学会第十七届学术大会会议论文集. (摘要, 口头报告). 中国北京.

赵斐斐, 任衍具*, 李寿欣. (2013.11.02). 非局部信息在空间情境提示效应中的作用. 中国心理学会第十六届学术大会会议论文集. (摘要, 口头报告). 江苏南京.


Undergraduates: Experimental Psychology, E-Prime Program Design, Eye Tracking Technique, Human Computer Interaction and User Experience etc.

Graduates: Experimental Techniques for Psychological Research, Advanced Cognitive Psychology (Perception and Attention)